Tuesday, August 16, 2011

In The Interest of Full Disclosure...

ITIOFD. I kind of wish that were a common abbreviation.  We could call it Idio-Fud.  ITIO-FD
"Hey Spike, tell me about your hot date last night."
"Aw, no, Fred you don't want to know all the details."
"Heck yes I do.  Bruno said she was a stone cold fox!"
"Well, ITIO-FD... it was with your mom."
Well, anyways ITIOFD I'd like to share with you some basic facts about recent experiences.  No editorializing.  No bashing.  No comments.  Just the bare bones facts.

Make of these what you will.

1. On Wednesday, I wrote a scathing review of Textbroker and its services that was intended to be harsh.  Textbroker is a freelance writing community. On Friday, I received an e-mail and a DM tweet from a Textbroker executive.  She asked whether TravWise was, in fact, my blog, and expressed an interest in communicating with me so that "they could get me back."  Friday afternoon I wrote a lengthy (editorializing, dang it) 300 word e-mail explaining the blog post and welcoming further discussion.  Friday afternoon I wrote a semi-apologetic amended blog post about Textbroker.  Friday evening I received another DM tweet from the same executive. "I'll get back to you on Monday."  Monday, nothing.  Tuesday, nothing. 

2.  Today, I filled out the online form for the Publisher's Clearing House $5000/Week For Life giveaway.  I deleted all of my information before sending the form.  Ten minutes later, I filled it out again.  I deleted it.  Again.  The form is still open in a tab on my web browser.  I think maybe it is casting a spell on me.

3.  This morning I missed a writing deadline by thirty minutes.  I did not care show any outwardly measurable signs of distress.  This client receives high quality work for 50% less than my other clients.  (That's not editorializing. Those are facts. FYI. Idio-Fud.)

4.  I seriously debated spent twenty minutes evaluating the pros and cons of taking a nap this afternoon.  I went to lunch with my working wife and my in-laws.  I saw at least thirty people wearing either scrubs, nametags, or business attire.  I returned to my home to continue working.  I did not take a nap this afternoon.  Guilt may or may not have been the reason.

5.  I spend too much time... an exorbitant amount of... I spend approximately 1.5 hours managing social media every day.

6.  We are going to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner tonight to celebrate my brother-in-law's (brother's-in-law?) birthday.  It will rock.  (Editorializing... oh shut up.)