Thursday, August 11, 2011

Real Simple Blog Contest

A few days ago I submitted an entry to the First Ever Simply Stated Blogger Contest!!  The contest involves writing a 300 word "blog post" style entry on your strangest or most unique friendship.  I am pretty excited about my entry; it was way fun to write. 

The prize for winning is $1000 smackers and a months worth of blogging on Real Simple's website in October.... woot! woot!  If you are at all interested, hit up the link above and check it out.  Anybody know any other fun writing contests going on right now?

Real Simple | Life Made Easier, Every Day

Using Elance to Make Money

Yesterday, I talked about Textbroker and why I think it is a complete waste of a freelancer's time.  Today, I'm goingt to talk about Elance...

...because I think that Elance is exactly the opposite of a waste of time.  In fact, I think it's amazing.  Don't get me wrong, I won't be freelancing on Elance for the rest of my life.  For now, though, I'm going to show you how I can make a living using this incredible freelance community.

If you are a writer, a web designer, a marketing specialist, a social media networking specialist, an SEO writer, or a computer programmer... you can find WORK on ELANCE.  I'm talking about high paying, high quality, legit work, not cheap, ridiculous, five dollars an hour work.  You can actually be COMPENSATED for your time.

What Is Elance?
Elance is a community of freelancers.  You have to register to be a member of the Elance community whether you are looking to work or to hire.  Once you are a member (a process I'll explain later), you can bid on projects, complete work, and get paid.  Here are the benefits of freelancing within a community like Elance:

  • Payment is always guaranteed with escrowed funds
  • Clients are abundant; you don't have to hunt for hours looking for work
  • Work is more substantial, projects come in packages of several articles
  • Elance takes a cut of your earnings, not a monthly fee, so a dry spell won't cost you
  • Your performance, client ratings, and skills are rated and ranked so that you can easily stand out amongst a crowd
  • You can self-test to show potential clients what your skills are
  • YOU are in complete control of how much money you want to make per job
If you are looking to jumpstart a brand new freelancing career, get yourself through a dip in client jobs, or do something totally new on the side to make a few hundred dollars extra every month you have got to try out Elance.  It's fun.  It costs nothing.  You can make MONEY. 

Boom bada boom.

Anybody else use Elance?  Any hobby writers out there who have considered trying to freelance but didn't know where to start?